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Code of Professional Ethics

The text below appears on all NSA membership applications. As a condition of acceptance as a member of the National Speakers Association, this Code of Professional Ethics must be read, agreed to and signed.

To establish and maintain public confidence in the professionalism, honesty, ability and integrity of the professional speaker is fundamental to the future success of the National Speakers Association, its members, and the profession of speaking. To this end, members of the Association have adopted and, as a condition of membership, subscribe to this Code of Professional Ethics. By doing so, the members give notice that they recognize the vital need to preserve and encourage fair and equitable practices among all who are engaged in the profession of speaking.

Violations of the obligations of this Code shall be determined in accordance to the Bylaws, policies and procedures of the National Speakers Association. Disciplinary actions shall be instituted by the National Speakers Association in accordance with Bylaws and Rules and Regulations established by the Association. Any such disciplinary action shall be final and binding upon the NSA member and without recourse to the Association, its officers, members or staff.

Article 1. The NSA member shall accurately represent qualifications and experience in both oral and written communications.
Article 2. The NSA member shall act, operate his/her business, and speak on a high professional level so as to neither offend nor bring discredit to the speaking profession
Article 3. The NSA member shall exert diligence to understand the client’s organization, approaches and goals in advance of the presentation.
Article 4. The NSA member shall avoid using materials, titles and thematic creations originated by others, either orally or in writing, unless approved by the originator
Article 5. The NSA member shall treat other speakers with professional courtesy, dignity and respect.
Article 6. The NSA member shall maintain and respect the confidentiality of business or personal affairs of clients, agents and other speakers.
Article 7. The NSA member shall protect the public against fraud or unfair practices and shall attempt to eliminate from the speaking profession all practices that bring discredit to the profession.
Article 8. The NSA member shall not be a party to any agreement to unfairly limit or restrain access to the marketplace by any other speaker, client or to the public, based upon economic factors, race, creed, color, sex, age, disability or country of national origin of another speaker.

Members of the National Speakers Association are dedicated individuals sincerely concerned with the interests of all who come in contact with the profession. To this end, NSA members subscribe to this Professional Pledge:

I pledge myself to honesty and integrity; to pursue my profession and education to the end that service to my clients shall always be maintained at the highest possible level.

I pledge myself to seek and maintain an equitable, honorable and cooperative association with fellow members of the Association and with all others who may become a part of my business and professional life.

I pledge myself to comply with the standards of the National Speakers Association as set forth in its Bylaws and this Code of Professional Ethics. As a condition of granting membership in NSA, applicants shall abide by NSA policies, procedures and Bylaws and shall comply with the Code of Professional Ethics as they are now or may be in the future.

Applicants shall cooperate with investigations of member practices, give evidence or testimony as deemed necessary and accept discipline as determined. In consideration of the National Speakers Association’s review of my application, I hold harmless and indemnify and release NSA, its officers, directors, employees, agents or others acting on behalf of NSA, from any and all liability arising out of the acceptance or rejection of this application and the suspension or termination of membership for any reason.

National Speakers Association - Wisconsin
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